Mom of My Dreams

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Thin Mint

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Post-it Note Tuesday

Saturday, March 27, 2010

I'm shrinking! :)

Today was my "weigh-day" and guess what? I am down another 3.2 pounds this week for a total of 13.6 since March 1!

I really can't believe how fast it has come off so far! I eat a LOT more often. My moods are beginning to stabilize. This is only a positive in my book.

Well, the ONE negative thing is how all my pants are falling off my ass! My super-awesome friend Norah loaned me some jeans and capris in a smaller size so I don't have to buy new pants right now... especially ones that (hopefully) won't fit me next month! ;)

Just starting the arduous task of potty-learning for Ashley.... although I am SURE she will go much faster than Travis did (he was only PL'd completely as of LAST summer!)

Anyway... we got our season passes to Great America and are headed up to ride rides and play in the sun tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Simple things

I have started purging the crap from our lives. The plastic-y crap the kids have has multiplied exponentially despite my best intentions. Ahem. Grandparents... I am looking at YOU! Anyway... too much crap, not enough space... overwhelmed with everything. So, out it goes. I really am wanting to pare down. In a big, big way. Then everything will have its place and I will spend less time LOOKING for stuff and more time DOING stuff. Or at least that is my plan...

I flat-out told the Grandparents NOT to buy Ashley anything for her birthday besides a kitchen from here:

Hope they will pool together so it's less $$ for everyone... and then we will not have random plastic battery-driven-noisy crap from 3 sets of Grandparents continuing to clutter up our lives.

I don't care if they are happy with me... none of US are benefiting from the amount of sheer crap the kids own between the two of them. As a matter of fact, 80-90% of the Christmas toys have been broken, tossed, or just plain ignored.

The Easter baskets this year will have some candy (of course), but mostly playsilks, bubbles, books, and art supplies... maybe a knitted outfit for Ashley's newest doll... None of the random dollar-spot crap that breaks into pieces after mere seconds...

I plan on melting down some of the old broken crayons and making new crayons with them.

Simplifying seems to refreshing... or am I just getting old? :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Because I am made of awesome...

I dropped Travis off at school today and waited as I always do for him to do his "jobs".

The kids hang up their backpacks, get out their lunchboxes, and put their snacks in their cubbies. Then they sign in by putting their nametag in the basket.

I was chatting with a friend and the teacher while Travis did his jobs. I saw that he went over to the Lego Table before signing in. I gently reminded him, and asked if he got his snack out.

He said "yes mommy, I got my cwementines" I was puzzled. I had not packed clementines. Thinking he was just making up that he got his snack out, I followed him to his cubby.

Sure enough, a whole peeled Clementine sat in a snack sized ziploc. With a star wars sticker on the front. Just like I had packed for him. ON FRIDAY!!

Eew. He had it in the front compartment of his backpack all weekend. But it looked perfectly fine. I am soooo glad he didn't eat it!!! :p

Friday, March 5, 2010

Crazy crazy life

So, this whole EATING thing?! It is working! I have lost 4.8 pounds since MONDAY! My biggest downfall has always been "forgetting" to eat. It's not hard to do with crazy mornings where coffee starts me off, and then we rush out the door!

Like this morning... oh, I need to back up...

YESTERDAY on the way home from picking up Travis from school, I realized we needed gas. I was planning on stopping at the Safeway near our house (they have a gas station there, with good gas prices, and we get an extra 3 cents off a gallon with our Safeway card.)

Then Travis decided he had to poop like NOW... so we rushed home instead.

Flash to this morning... already leaving a few minutes later than I wanted to. Get the kids into the van... get in, and oh crap. We are on E!!!

So I stopped at the Circle K a few blocks away, and get the gas tank open, put my card in, enter my pin. "Transaction cancelled" flashes on the screen. "WTF?" I think. So I try it as a credit card transaction instead... and enter in the billing zip code. "Please see attendant" flashes on the screen. "You have GOT to be kidding me!!" I say out loud, and close, gas tank, get back in the van and drive over to another pump at the same station. I repeat this exact scenario with exactly the same result.

I was just so damned mad. I KNOW there is nothing wrong with my card or our account... and Jeff just put his paycheck in the bank the other day! I got in the car and drove off. I hoped, and hoped, and HOPED we were able to get to another station before we ran out of gas right smack dab in the center of Gang-central.

I found another station, and thank goodness it worked! I think I need to start carrying $40 in my wallet for just this reason.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Still here...

How's that "follow-through" working out for you?? Actually... it kind of is. Baby steps. Of course. I joined Weight Watchers yesterday. I did WW before kids, and it did work. It was just fussy and hard to keep track of everything. But, now I have the most awesome phone... and yes, there is an app for that ass.

The Weight Watchers meetings never really appealed to me. I GET why they work for a lot of people. I just never need a bunch of strangers golf-clapping in order to encourage me. Usually, once I set my mind to things, I just DO them. Staying with things... well I am just all kinds of ADD.

So, anyway... I joined their "e-tools" and get to track everything on my iPhone. The site is awesome too, and there are recipes and a message board... also a "recipe builder" where you can input all ingredients and their amounts, and it calculates the Points for it. So, for instance... when I saw Ree posted those awesome Toffee Coffee Bars, the first thing I did was input everything into the recipe builder, and then it told me the Points for each bar is 4! (Just as a comparison, 2 slices of Oroweat 100% Whole Wheat Bread is 3 Points.)

I am committed to being healthier, and losing weight. My foray into Couch to 5K was ruined by our rash of rainy weather... but I will restart again as soon as the weather clears.

Travis and I are doing a 3K fun run at the end of next month together. I think I will bring the jogger and toss Ashley in as well!