Mom of My Dreams

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Less really is more....

We survived Christmas...

I (greatly) scaled back my baking, and no one seemed to be any less appreciative of the homemade goodies that I delivered to them.

I also reduced stress and cost by forgoing Christmas cards this year. I sent over 100 awesome photocards last year... and I got maybe 10?! in return. This year? 4. So, I guess I am not the only one cutting things out.

We didn't do the huge, messy gingerbread house, and instead invited a couple of friends over and had the kids decorate cut-out chocolate cookies instead with M&Ms, red hots, spice drops, and icing. Sent them home bagged up and that was that.

I didn't embark on any drawn-out knitting projects, for people who wouldn't even appreciate it.

I shopped smartly,and over time. Purged existing toys from the house over weeks and months... Took advantage of Amazon Prime, YAY! Avoided the malls and crowds as much as possible... wrapped over several nights instead of cramming it all into one. The calendars were at the printers DAYS earlier than previous years. We did the Christmas Light drive several times... enjoyed too many Salted Caramel Hot Chocolates... Bailey's and Cream, and spiked Eggnog.

We gave less to each other and more to those who have less than ourselves.

And you know what? It was great. Better than great. And most importantly... the Earth didn't spin off its axis, and cease to be. I really know I need to chill out and relax more. Enjoy more, stress less, relax standards, and just BE in the moment.


Nellie said...

hoo yah! right on. life is just better this way.

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