Mom of My Dreams

Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 awaits

I've been absent from blogging and a lot more lately. On one hand, I'm happier then I've been in ages. But... I feel that something is missing. So much so I've found myself contemplating a 3rd baby. Which for those of you who know me well...that's just. crazy.

Right? Right?!

Well, for the moment we will remain a family of 4. But who knows exactly what the future will hold.

My one little word for 2013 is "Whimsy"

Somehow with all this adult life stuff I've seemingly lost my sense of it. Here's to spontaneity, frivolity, and sometimes foolishness. Enjoying my family, pursuing my goals and hobbies, and trying, falling, living in the moment. My oldest is halfway to 18. My youngest will be in Kindergarten in the Fall.

And me....
I'll be the one repeatedly falling on my ass on my quad skates while working toward my goal of being a Roller Derby Queen. I'll be hitting the gym, baking bread, finally figuring out my sewing machine, mastering my DSLR, riding my pink Townie with the white leather streamers, and bell. (Still need that basket!) Once and for all, I will figure out how to accessorize. I will do a Color Run (or two!)

And maybe, just maybe... I'll finally be brave enough to get my tragus pierced.


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